
Connecting Your QuickBooks Online Account

Learn how to effortlessly connect your Quickbooks Online accounts to Uplinq through Quickbooks for a seamless and secure bookkeeping experience.


Welcome to our step-by-step guide on providing Uplinq with accountant access to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account! We understand that seamless integration with your accounting software is essential for an efficient bookkeeping experience. In this help document, we'll walk you through the process of securely granting Uplinq access to your QBO account. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to easily share your financial data with Uplinq and start benefiting from our automated bookkeeping solution. Our aim is to make this process as user-friendly and straightforward as possible, ensuring that you can quickly and effortlessly set up the access and begin enjoying the full potential of Uplinq.

Connection Steps

  1. Log in to your QBO account at
  2. Click the "Settings" (gear) icon in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Under "Your Company," select "Manage Users."
  4. Click the "Accounting firms" tab.
  5. In the "Invite" field, enter the email address provided by Uplinq for accountant access (
  6. Click "Invite" to send the invitation.
  7. Inform your Uplinq representative that the invitation has been sent.
  8. Once Uplinq accepts the invitation, their status in the "Accounting firms" tab will change from "Invited" to "Active."
  9. Uplinq will now have accountant access to your QBO account and can begin providing their automated bookkeeping services.

By granting Uplinq accountant access to your QBO account, you'll enable a seamless integration that allows you to take full advantage of their powerful bookkeeping solution.

Connection Security

At Uplinq, we are deeply committed to ensuring the security and privacy of your financial information. Recognizing the critical nature of these concerns, we have implemented rigorous measures to safeguard your data. One such measure is our compliance with the Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) framework, a widely respected and comprehensive standard for managing customer data. By adhering to SOC 2 requirements, we demonstrate our unwavering dedication to maintaining the highest level of security and privacy controls in our systems and processes.

Furthermore, our integration with QuickBooks reinforces our commitment to protecting your sensitive data. When connecting your accounting software through QuickBooks, Uplinq is granted read-only access to your financial information. This means that we can securely retrieve your transaction data and account balances, but we do not have the ability to make changes or initiate transactions on your behalf. By employing read-only permissioning, we significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access or manipulation, ensuring the safety and integrity of your financial information.

Through our adherence to SOC 2 compliance and the implementation of read-only permissioning via QuickBooks, Uplinq demonstrates our steadfast dedication to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for your bookkeeping needs. Your data's security is our top priority, and we continuously strive to uphold the highest standards to provide you with a seamless and reliable bookkeeping experience.

World Class Support

If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions during this process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. They are available around the clock to provide you with personalized assistance and ensure that your bookkeeping experience with Uplinq is as seamless and enjoyable as possible.