
Setting Up Limited Account Manager Access for Uplinq on American Express: A Step-by-Step Guide

Uplinq's guide on how to utilize the American Express Limited Account Manager Access functionality
To utilize the American Express Limited Account Manager Access functionality, please complete the following steps.

  1. First, please see this page to understand what access UPLINQ’s team needs. We should only need Limited Access.
  2. Login to Amex and click the Account Manager menu item on the top menu bar of your screen
  3. Click Manage Other Users
  4. Click Add or Remove Account Managers
  5. Enter Your Pin
  6. Complete Two-Step Verification
  7. Select your Access level. UPLINQ only needs Limited Access. Please send all Account Manager requests to with the First & Last Name as Uplinq Bookkeeping.

If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, please contact and your UPLINQ point of contact. Thank you for your efforts and patience!